Coaching Ejecutivo
¿Este coaching es para mi?
Si eres Gerente o Director y deseas:
¿Cómo lo haremos?
Mano a Mano
Trabajo contigo y con tu equipo para lograr unificar sus intereses con los de tu departamento y finalmente con los de la empresa.
A través del programa mentor obtienes asesoría, acompañamiento y toda mi experiencia a tu disposición para así prepararte para las decisiones más dificiles
Juntos, diseñamos un sistema donde tú seas el eslabón principal y te conviertas en un miembro virtualmente indispensable para la compañía.
Garantía de
Te garantizo que obtendrás resultados en las primeras 17 semanas de trabajo o tu coaching será sin costo.
The Current Situation
Here the executive is encouraged to take time for deep reflection about his current situation.
This enhances the executive’s self-awareness and helps him identify areas to work on with the executive coach.
The first working coaching session is critical for developing a climate of trust, openness and honesty which is essential for an effective coaching relationship
Brainstorming of Alternatives
This phase of executive coaching widens the executive’s perspective and creates a sound foundation for the development of creative solutions and behavioral change.
One of the objectives of coaching is to increase the choices that a client has when approaching a challenge or specific situation
Honing Goals
This is the third stage within the Achieve Coaching Model®. Having established alternatives to the current situation and a rough idea about the desired new state, the next step is to refine this into a specific goal.
It is the stage where SMART goals are created and/or refined.
Initiate Options
This is the fourth step of the Achieve Coaching Model®. Having decided upon a specific goal, the aim at this stage is to develop a wide range of different ways of achieving the executive’s desired goal. The purpose at this stage is not to find the ‘right’ option but to stimulate the executive to develop a great array of options for achieving his goal.
It is important to incourage the executive to get off the ‘beaten track’.
Evaluate options
Having generated a comprehensive list of options, the next stage is to evaluate the options systematically and prioritize them for the action plan.
After goal setting this is the next stage where the coach can guide the executive towards developing focus.
In our study and our own international coaching practice we experienced that developing focus for the executive was essential in the midst of the complexities of his day-to-day life and responsibilities. Without a welldefined focus for action the executive was unlikely to move forward effectively.
Action Program Design
General description at this stage a concrete and pragmatic action plan is
designed or, as one coach described, “It is where the rubber meets the road!”
We experience over and over again that one of the main reasons why
executive coaching is valued in industry and commerce is that it provides ‘just in time’ learning and development.
This stage of committing to a plan means that the executive is starting on the road to action. With many executive development programs, the challenge is how to translate the classroom learning” back into everyday practice.
Encouraging Momentum
In the Achieve Coaching Model® this is represented as the final stage.
However, while it is an important final step to assist the client to stay on
track, the role of the executive coach in encouraging momentum is equally important between the coaching sessions. As a US coach explained it is “… a crucial part of the process. Until the new behavior becomes the new reality it remains difficult … executives who are in the transformation process need encouragement and reinforcement.”
Agenda una reunión para diagnosticar tus habilidades totalmente GRATIS
Mediremos tu situación actual, las oportunidades y el potencial de tu negocio para convertirlo en lo que tú deseas.
Solo envía el siguiente formulario con tu información y un miembro del equipo te contactará a la brevedad posible.